I think I’ve always been a closet cat person, I just never knew it because my family didn’t like cats. As a kid, I’d loved giving the neighborhood cats a little love and attention when I’d pass them on the street. When I took a job in a northern community where I didn’t know anyone, I started dreaming about having my own. I met Timeo while visiting a friend who fosters for IWARS, and felt a connection right away. He had a reputation of being a little shy, but warmed up to me very quickly. After lots of thought (and more than a little encouragement from my friend), I decided to adopt him. He’s still super shy around other people, but he’s a sweetheart, and having him in my life made the transition to northern living so much easier. His favourite activities are playing, monster snuggle sessions, telling me about his day, and cuddles right before bed and when it’s time to get up in the morning. I’m so glad to have him, and feel proud to call myself a converted cat person. Thanks IWARS!